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The six-week period from Thanksgiving Day through New Year’s Day can be one of the most stressful, over-busy, anxiety-producing, overwhelming times of the entire year! Luckily, there are some simple, natural solutions that can help you not only “get through” the holidays but actually enjoy it all!
I was curious about what specifically stressed people over the holidays, so yesterday on Facebook, I threw out this question to my friends and followers:
“In a word or two, what aspect of the holiday season is the most stressful for you?”
I received 50 enthusiastic responses mentioning everything from cooking to shopping to feeling inadequate. Several stressors were mentioned more than once, especially cooking and buying gifts. Here are some of the things that were mentioned:
- Cooking
- Family/In-laws
- Travel
- Gift Buying
- People Who Forget the Meaning of the Holidays
- Money: Over-spending
- Money: Lack
- Eating the wrong foods
- House Cleaning
- Crowds and Full Parking Lots
- The need for everything to be perfect
- Worrying that there isn’t enough under the tree.
- Feeling the need to do everything yourself.
- Lack of sleep
Good Lord. My jaws are clenched just reading that list.
The good news is…. help is on the way!
Below are common stressors that knock us off balance during the holiday season. For each I’ve given you a suggested affirmation and essential oil or blend to use that will support you in easing back into a more relaxed place.
1. Perfectionism
Make this your mantra: Does it really matter? Think for a minute about your own best holiday memories. Do they shine because of the perfectly decorated tree, material presents received, or an exquisitely set table? I’ll bet not. My guess is that your memory is warmed by the experience you had of people, conversations, and human connections.
Release from Perfectionism Affirmation: It doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.
“It’s all Good” Nasal Inhaler Recipe
- 5 drops of Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
- 2 drops of Neroli essential oil (Citrus aurantium var amara)
- 5 drops of Lemon essential oil (Citrus limon)
- 1 Blank Nasal Inhaler
Directions: Add the essential oils to the cotton wick and pop it into the inhaler. Carry it with you everywhere you go. Any time you begin to feel anxiety or even panic that something isn’t the way you think it should be or should look, open the inhaler, take a deep breath and repeat your affirmation.
2. Overwhelm (exhaustion, anger, resentment)
Taking on too much alone and trying to do it all yourself will make you feel engulfed in responsibilities. For Pete’s sake, delegate. Ask for help, ask for help, ask for help. It’s better to have mediocre decorations done by your teenage son but experienced in relaxation than surrounded with Stewart-esque holiday decor while you sit there feeling exhausted and unappreciated.
Ask for Help Affirmation: I can ask for help and be powerful at the same time.
No More Overwhelm Blend
- 2 drops of Vetiver essential oil
- 2 drops of Marjoram essential oil
- 4 drops of Sweet Orange essential oil (Citrus sinensis)
- 1 fl oz/30mL Jojoba Carrier Oil (I love this one!)
- 1 fl oz/30mL Flip Top Bottle
Directions: Add the essential oils to the flip-top bottle then fill up with the Jojoba oil. Shake to mix well. Put everyone to work and run yourself a warm, relaxing bath adding in about half the bottle of the “No More Overwhelm” blend just before you step in. Enjoy! You deserve it.
3. Crowds/Parking/Shopping Anxiety
If you get out into the holiday chaos and find yourself saturated with the noise and overstimulation of crowds, try this simple solution:
No-More Anxiety Affirmation: Every breath I inhale calms me and every breath I exhale takes away tension.
Lavender for Peace (Inhalation from the Bottle)
Carry a small bottle of Lavender essential oil with you. When you feel ready to meltdown, find a quiet spot and take out the Lavender, take a deep whiff from the bottle and repeat your affirmation.
4. Scarcity Mindset
If money is tight and you’re panicking about not having enough, then make something. It sounds cliche, but I promise, a handmade gift, a poem, or a story about what makes that person special to you will mean 100 times more than anything you find in a store. And, of course, if you have the materials, aromatherapy gifts are always great!
Prosperity Affirmation: There is always enough. I have everything I need.
Abundance Blend
- 3 drops of Basil ct linalool essential oil
2 drops of Peppermint essential oil - 1 Cool Mist Diffuser
Directions: Add the essential oils to your diffuser while repeating your affirmation. Say this affirmation each time you notice that thoughts of “not enough” begin to creep in.
5. Sadness (loneliness, regret)
The holidays can be very depressing for some as memories of better times come forth, or loved ones who are not longer here. In all transparency, this is a big one for me, personally.
Happiness Affirmation: I am grateful to God for this wonderful life and thankful to everyone who has touched my life.
Cheer Up Buttercup Nasal Inhaler Blend
- 3 drops of Orange essential oil
3 drops of Lemon essential oil
3 drops of Bergamot essential oil
2 drops of Black Spruce essential oil - 1 Blank Nasal Inhaler
Directions: Add the essential oils to an inhaler and take it with you on a brisk walk. As you walk, sniff from the inhaler and repeat your affirmation.
6. Lack of Good Sleep
Too many parties, too many late nights with family and friends, worry, general overstimulation – lack of sleep is a huge problem during the holiday season when we need it most. Essential oils are well-known to help with sleep so by all means, use them to get some rest!
I have done my best for today, and I have earned my sleep for tonight. I am ready to rest.
Sleepytime Diffuser Blend
Roman Chamomile
Ylang Ylang
Add these essential oils to an inhaler (15 drops total) or Diffuser (1 drop of each)
Updated for accuracy and relevance. This blog post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase using them at no extra cost to you.
Managing holiday stress can be challenging, but using essential oils and affirmations can be effective techniques for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Essential oils have calming properties that can help to soothe the mind and body, while affirmations can help to shift negative thought patterns and promote a more positive outlook. However, it’s important to note that while essential oils and affirmations can be helpful, they should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.