Today’s featured essential oil is a good friend when a restless mind
won’t let you sleep or your muscles feel achy.
Her warming, soothing nature is a gentle balm that
helps soothe grief and release the past.
Essential Oil of Sweet Marjoram
Origanum majorana
The Foundations
Important Name Distinction: Do not confuse this Sweet Marjoram with Spanish marjoram (Thymus mastichina) which has very different properties.
Geographical Source: Oil-producing countries include France, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Germany.
Plant Part: The essential oil is extracted from the flower tops by steam distillation.
Extraction: Marjoram essential oil is extracted from the flowering tops of the herb by steam distillation.
Oil Characteristics: The oil is thin and watery with a pale yellow color.
Aroma: Personally, Marjoram doesn’t “wow” me aromatically. However, in a blend, it adds a lovely, warm, almost camphoraceous element, to a blend
Chemistry: The primary chemical components are monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and esters.
NOTE: Learn more about aromatic chemistry in these podcast episodes!
Therapeutic Properties of Marjoram Essential Oil
- Marjoram can help settle hyperactivity as it is a CNS sedative (central nervous system)
- Provides pain relief
- Cephalic – Helps to clear the head
- Warms the site of application
Applications: (Here are some helpful blending guidelines)
- Add a few drops in any blend designed to warm sore muscles and increase local circulation.
- Add 3 drops in the bedroom diffuser to help encourage sleep
- Blend in unscented cream for menstrual cramps with Bergamot.
- Steam inhalation: will clear the chest and ease breathing. Use one drop. Blends well with Lavender, Sweet Orange, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Cypress, Cedarwood, Tea Tree, and Eucalyptus.
Marjoram Essential Oil Safety
Non-toxic, non-irritating.
A Recipe with Marjoram Essential Oil
Sleepytime Diffuser Blend
My favorite way to use Marjoram, aside from in the massage room, is to calm my mind when it’s overactive and I can’t sleep. If I’m feeling wound up before bed, I’ll often diffuse Marjoram essential oil with lavender and sweet orange next to my bed while reading. Before I know it, my eyelids to get heavy!
- 3 drops Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil (Origanum majorana)
- 2 drops Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
- 1 drop of Sweet Orange Essential Oil (Citrus sinensis)
Subtle Properties (vibrational and energetic) of Marjoram Essential Oil
According to author Joni Keim, Marjoram helps you experience and integrate the peacefulness that comes from emotional healing, especially of grief and loss. Wow. That’s huge. We experience loss in so many ways in our lives; a divorce, subtle changes in friendships, our jobs, our youth, our children growing up, the death of someone close, and even our own levels of energy as we age. Marjoram can help you move through the experience of your grief and help you reach the other side. Acceptance. Peace.
If you feel drawn to Marjoram, you might want to ask if you are grieving something in your life. If so, what is it and is it time to let it go?
My AromaticWisdom SoulCollage Card for Sweet Marjoram 
- I bring in light and warmth to comfort your emotional wounds
- I settle your restless mind so you can experience inner peace.
- I help you release your loss and move on.
Where to Buy Marjoram Essential Oil
Suggested Essential Oil Suppliers – with GC/MS reports
Suggested Essential Oil Suppliers – without GC/MS reports
Want to learn about more warming essential oils? Check out the Essential Oil Profiles below:
Ginger Essential Oil Profile Spotlight
Black Pepper Essential Oil Profile Spotlight
1. Keim, Joni, Daily Aromatherapy
2. Battaglia S. The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy. 2nd edition, The International Centre of Holistic Aromatherapy, Australia, 20033.
3. Keville, K. Aromatherapy, A Complete Guide to the Healing Art, The Crossing press, USA, 19954. Price S.
4. Aromatherapy for Health Professionals, 2nd edition, Churchill Livingstone, 1999
- Updated on April 20, 2024
- This blog post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase using them. The commission is paid by the retailer at no extra cost to you.
Hi. Do essential oils used for home cleaning affect or cause more anxiety & palpitations? I have fibromyalgia, sjogrens & von Willebrand disorder s & hypertension. I am on many medications including oxycontin, zoloft, xanax, plaquenil & am also trying to reduce the xanax & zoloft. I am having major issues with my body thermostat. I am post menopausal & feel like cr4p. My body is hot/cold all the time & I’m over-sweating day & night & getting worse. I use essential oils for cleaning up everything – so I wondered if I am over doing things with the oils. Please help. I’ve got a doctors appointment soon but with so many illnesses & issues it’s so much to contend with. I hardly go out now as I feel so much pain & hot cold uncomfortable. Thank you.
Hi Maryann, if anything, using essential oils for home cleaning will help REDUCE anxiety and palpitations. Many chemicals that are in commercial cleaning products are dangerous to the central nervous system and using essential oils is a much safer choice. Make sure you’re using a small amount. It doesn’t take much.