You’re Finally in Business!
After years of using essential oils, studying aromatherapy and spending thousands of dollars on products, you did it!  You took the plunge and started your own aromatherapy business.  Yay!  It may only be a line of five products, one private consultation a month or a brief  “Intro to Aromatherapy” presentation in your community, but there you are, out in the world showcasing your knowledge and creativity in your own unique way.  Be proud of that, because it takes courage!

Now it’s time to create a Facebook fan page for your blooming business!

Why Bother with Another Facebook Page When you Already Have One?
Because a fan page is strictly for your business.  It can be a great way to connect with customers, clients, and followers.    Facebook is the 2nd most visited site in the world after Google!  And it’s FREE!

(Side note:  I’m assuming here that you already have a Facebook profile page for your personal life.  If not, create one today!  Then, keep it clean, keep it fun and keep it personal.  Don’t load it with drama, bad language, TMI; and please don’t overload it with business talk.  Remember, not everyone who loves you is going to be interested in aromatherapy.)

The Benefits of Having a Fan Page for your Aromatherapy Business:

  • If you have a website, it’s a great way to drive more traffic to your site
  • If you don’t have a website yet, it’s a great way to share about your business while it is being constructed
  • You will get more consultation clients and students in your classroom (I have filled an entire class just with students who learned about the program from Facebook)
  • When a person joins your Fan page, it is published in their News feed – this gives a viral quality to your fan page.
  • It’s a super place to announce discounts, contests and promotions
  • You offer Facebook specials just for your fans
  • Share seasonal specials
  • Be sure to include photographs; pictures of your products, lovely new labels, the inside of your shop, you in front of the classroom
  • You can get important feedback from your customers
  • It will improve your overall SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Plain and simple, Facebook offers a huge potential to profit and grow your aromatherapy business!

How To Create A Facebook Fan Page
Facebook makes it super easy!  Just go to this link and walk through the steps:

I suggest you then visit the fan pages of other people in your aromatherapy niche and see what they are posting.  Notice what you do and don’t like.  This will give you a good feel for what works.

And don’t forget to stop into the Aromatic Wisdom Institute Fan Page and share what you learned!

Do you have further questions about creating a fan page?  Ask them in the comment section below and I’ll be happy to answer!


By the way….

Do you know I have a weekly newsletter called: A Dose of Aromatic WisdomTM?

Each week I feature short articles on such themes as:
Blog posts
Help with your AromaBusiness
Ideas to help you grow as a Creative Aromatherapist
Essential Oil Recipes and Blends
Upcoming Classes
…and more.

Only for subscribers!  And it is FREE!

Click HERE to subscribe.

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