Clove Bud warms the mind and body,
fostering confidence and promoting self-assurance.


Latin Names: Eugenia caryophyllata syn. Syzygium aromaticum,

Note: Top/Middle

Geographical source: Zanzibar, Madagascar

Plant Part: Flowers, leaves

Oil Characteristics: Clove Bud is warm, spicy and sweet

Chemical Families: Sesquiterpenes, Phenols


  • Highly analgesic, making it great for pain relief (especially tooth pain)
  • Promotes circulation
  • Helps alleviates inflammation
  • Kills bacteria
  • Inhibits the growth of viruses
  • Warming and helps increase circulation to a local area


    • Place one drop to soothe a painful tooth. Use a Q-tip and avoid lips or skin as it will be highly irritating.
    • Add to any blend that is designed for pain or poor circulation
    • Add to green cleaning products to help kill bacteria and viruses
    • Add one drop to toothpaste for oral health

Blends well with: Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Helichrysum, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Orange, Sandalwood


Warming Relief for Muscle and Joint Pain
10 drops Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) essential oil
8 drops Marjoram (Origanum majorana) essential oil
5 drops Clove Bud (Eugenia caryophyllus) essential oil
1 oz Trauma Oil or Organic Jojoba Oil
Directions:  Gently massage into the affected area as often as needed.

(vibrational and energetic):

Clove helps promote motivation and courage – especially when trying to establish healthy boundaries. If you struggle with confrontation, it will assist you in feeling empowered to stand up for yourself and break patterns of being victimized. It may also help with codependency and learning to be more independent. I like to use it when I care too much about what others think.  To help protect yourself and establish boundaries, diffuse throughout the room or dilute and massage over solar plexus or heart.

Fun Facts about Clove:

The oldest Clove tree in the world is believed to be between 350-400 years old and is located on the island of Ternate, in the area known historically as the Spice Islands.

Safety Information about Clove

: Non-toxic. May cause skin and mucous membrane irritation or sensitization. Limit topical use to a maximum of 0.5%. Avoid using Clove with children. Avoid using on any sensitive or damaged skin.

Where to Buy Essential Oils:

Suggested Essential Oil Suppliers – with GC/MS reports

Suggested Essential Oil Suppliers – without GC/MS reports

Be Happy, Be Well!






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