Today’s featured aromatic is steeped in history, intrigue, and the sacred.


Essential Oil of Frankincense
Boswellia carterii  |  Boswellia sacra 

My Relationship with Frankincense (a story of profound experience)

In 1997, I had my new massage therapy practice in a fitness center.   One afternoon a regular client came in for her appointment. Knowing she was prone to exercise-induced asthma, I asked if she was okay when I noticed she was wheezing. She sat up suddenly and grabbed me.  She was having an asthma attack and began to panic. 

I quickly grabbed a bottle of B. carterii essential oil, rubbed it into her chest, and cupped my hands about 2 inches from her nose so she could inhale the beautiful essential oil. I continued to speak softly, reassuring her as I did some gentle massage on her lung meridian which runs along the inside of the arm.  I stayed very calm (but was prepared to call for help if needed). Within 10 minutes my client was breathing deeply and able to lie back down on the table to continue with her massage.

Geographical Source:  Somaliland

Plant Part:  The essential oil is obtained by distilling the resin.

Oil Characteristics: The essential oil of Frankincense is heavenly!  The oil is a pale yellow or greenish color and has a warm, sweetly balsamic aroma. 

Chemical Families:  Primarily Monoterpenes with Sesquiterpenes, Monoterpenols, and Esters

Learn more about essential oil chemistry on the – Episodes about Chemistry 

Therapeutic Properties:

  • Numbs pain
  • Alleviates inflammation
  • Excellent for helping the skin to heal and great for healing scars
  • Aids in the reduction of fluids
  • Removes excess mucus from the respiratory system
  • Stimulates immune function
  • Excellent for headaches and tension in the neck muscles.
  • Use for any muscle pain or trauma.
  • Aids calming and opening the lungs


  • Steam Inhalation: Add one drop to a bowl of hot water. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. This is perfect to help relieve anxiety or a headache. 
  • Body Lotion Add to a massage oil or cream
  • Diffuser: to deepen the breath and aid in meditation

Safety:  Non-toxic, generally non-irritating. It can be skin irritating if oxidized.

Frankincense Essential Oil blends beautifully with Bergamot essential oil, Orange essential, and Lemon essential oil

Beautiful DIY Frankincense Recipe for Skin Nourishment 

Skin Nourishing Facial Mask




  • 2 drops of Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 1 drop of Myrrh Essential Oil
  • 1 drop of Geranium Essential Oil
  • 1 teaspoon – Plain yogurt 2 teaspoons Clay (Rhassoul Clay is lovely)
  • 1 vitamin E capsule (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of Oat Flour

Directions Mix all ingredients in a bowl, adjusting the texture to your preference.  Smooth onto the face, leaving on for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Subtle Properties of Frankincense Essential Oil: (vibrational and energetic): Frankincense oil promotes and supports spiritual wisdom like none other. It resonates with the Crown Chakra which awakens higher consciousness and brings in the power of inner vision and intuition. Frankincense aligns the solar plexus chakra with the third eye to bring illumination and understanding of intellectual matters to more enlightened awareness. It also allows for connection to the godhead, bringing in a higher frequency of integration throughout the chakra system. In many cultures, Frankincense is considered a sacred oil and is used in anointing ceremonies.

It is said to have been offered to the Christ Child as a gift, along with gold and myrrh. frankincensemagi Balthasar, Melchior, and Gaspar. From a late 6th century mosaic at the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna, Italy.

Burning Frankincense: I love to burn this resin to “smudge” my home and create a sacred space. It also brings back wonderful memories of the 12 years I lived in Rome.    



My Frankincense SoulCollage® Card: SoulCollageFrankincense Who Are You?

I am one who is Holy.

I am one who brings in the Divine.

I am one who is Rome and smoke and ancient churches.

I am one is restores your calm and deepens your breathing. I am one who is as ancient as the earth itself.    

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