Aromatherapists can be found all around the globe! Regardless of where you find yourself in this big world, there is a professional aromatherapy organization to support you! Below is a list in alphabetical order by country.


πŸ”— International Aromatherapy and Aromatic Medicine Association, Inc.

The International Aromatherapy and Aromatic Medicine Association (IAAMA) is the leading independent non-profit professional association dedicated to supporting aromatherapy practitioners in Australia and overseas.


πŸ”— British Columbia Alliance of Aromatherapy (BCAOA)
The British Columbia Alliance Of Aromatherapy, (BCAOA), is an association dedicated to the profession of Aromatherapy and essential oil therapy in the Province of British Columbia.

πŸ”— British Columbia Association of Practicing Aromatherapists (BCAPA)
The BCAPA supports all practicing Aromatherapists in maintaining the highest standards of professionalism while educating the public about the benefits of Aromatherapy.

πŸ”— Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists (CFA)
The Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists was formed in early 1993 by a group of individuals concerned with the tremendous growth and popularity of Aromatherapy. These individuals recognized that there was no governing body or organization for the general public to call for information or to verify that those claiming to be Aromatherapists were indeed qualified. Because of this, the CFA was established.

Czech Republic:
πŸ”— Association of Czech Aromatherapists (ACA)
Since 1996, the Association of Czech Aromatherapists has provided quality comprehensive education about Aromatherapy to the general public, as well as professionals in related fields such as health, nursing, pharmacy, physiotherapy, beauty, and wellness.

πŸ”— Hellenic Association of Aromatherapists (HAA)

πŸ”— Aromatherapy Association of Japan (AAJ)
Established in 1996, the Aromatherapy Association of Japan (AAJ) is engaged in a variety of activities designed to promote the study of Aromatherapy and to spread knowledge about the profession. The Aromatherapy Association of Japan also offers certification.

πŸ”— Korean Aromatherapy Association (KAA)
President : Hong Keun Oh, MD,ND,PhD, MIFA,MISFA,MNAHA
#204, 2nd fl. Korea Techno-Venture Foundation, 231-1 SungSu 2-Ga, SungDong-Gu, Seoul, Korea, 133-826
Phone: +82 2 593 7070 β€’ Fax: +82 2 594 3940

Korean Aroma Society (KAS)
President: Dr.Cho
403 Kwang-Jung BD, 579 Shinsa-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
Phone: ++82 2 514 7651
Fax: ++82 2 542 4442

πŸ”—Asociacion Mexicana Para La Investigacion Y Practica De La Aromatologia A.C. (AMIPA)
AMIPA is a non-profit organization committed to the world of scents and creating a network of support among members, organizations, and individuals in the international community with whom they share a common goal.

New Zealand:
πŸ”— New Zealand Register of Holistic Aromatherapists, Inc. (NZROHA)
NZROHA has established itself as the national register for qualified holistic Aromatherapists, supporting, informing, and promoting Aromatherapy in New Zealand. It is a founding member of the NZ Charter of Health Practitioners, Inc. and is developing affiliates with other natural health modalities.

South Africa:
πŸ”— The Aromatherapy Association of South AfricaΒ (AromaSA)
AromaSA is the newest Aromatherapy Association of South Africa. It was created in October 2011, when it was felt that there should be one voice for Aromatherapy in South Africa. It emerged from the amalgamation of ASoSA and AromaForum.

πŸ”— Taiwan Association of Aromatherapy
The Taiwan Association of Aromatherapy’s purpose is to promote the popularity of Taiwanese Aromatherapy and to enhance the international visibility of Taiwan and Taiwan’s professional Aromatherapy industry.

United Kingdom:
πŸ”— International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA)
The International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists is one of the largest professional Aromatherapy practitioner organizations in the world and is a strong, respected voice in the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). The IFPA believes wholeheartedly in the principles and philosophies of holistic health, health care, and the promotion of well-being for individuals.

Federation of Holistic Therapists
πŸ”— Federation of Holistic Therapists
The Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) is the largest and leading professional association for therapists in the UK and Ireland. Its thousands of members offer a broad range of specialtiesβ€”from sports and remedial therapies, to complementary healthcare and holistic beauty treatments.

United States:
πŸ”— Alliance of International Aromatherapists
The AIA is now a fast-growing, independent, international member-based organization providing education using scientific research and traditional information to promote the responsible use of Aromatherapy. They serve the public, researchers, educators, healthcare professionals, industry, and the media.

πŸ”— The National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy
NAHA is devoted to the holistic integration of Aromatherapy into a wide range of complementary healthcare practices, including self-care and home pharmacy. They offer scientific, empirical, and current information about Aromatherapy and essential oils to the public, practitioners, businesses, product designers, bloggers and writers, educators, healthcare professionals, and the media.

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